Our Secretary
Lyn Porter
Lyn has been a volunteer in the Shop since 2021, joined the Committee in July 2022 and has been the Shop Committee Secretary since March 2023.
Born in Hampshire, Lyn and her husband Mike moved to Cheriton Fitzpaine nearly 4 years ago to be nearer their daughter who also lives in Devon.
Lyn worked for 32 years in aerospace, initially in a secretarial capacity and eventually running the imports team.
Her hobbies are baking, short mat bowls and getting involved in community. She has enjoyed the warm welcome from the village and contributes her time to many of the events and activities that happen in the village such as the Welcome Club and helping out at Parish Hall events.
She sees the shop as a vital resource for the village and has become more involved in the running of the shop in order to try to secure its future.
Supporting a local shop and chapel transformation.
01363 866308
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