Arts and Crafts Hub in the Chapel and Schoolroom
Arts and Crafts Hub in the Chapel and Schoolroom
There are many amateur crafting groups in the village as well as several local artists who would be keen to use the Methodist buildings either to work or to display and celebrate their work. Local artist, Carrie Clarke has written:
"As a local artist/creative I have been pleased to be able to supply the community shop with cards and created pieces over the past few years. If we are able to develop the shop in the Methodist Chapel a creative hub would benefit both artists and the shop alike. Wall space and shelves dedicated to local artworks (of which there is a great variety in the village) would be a fantastic resource bringing income to the shop, as well as the artists, and would add to the general ambience and the range of goods on offer."
"Back in 2022 I began painting local scenes around our village as an enjoyable personal project. Sitting for several hours at a time whilst I drew and painted, I had many conversations with locals about the buildings, their history and the people who’d been part of that history. One day somebody suggested the paintings might make nice postcards. They’ve been very popular with both local people and visitors and have led to numerous commissions. Space is extremely limited in the existing shop so moving to the Methodist Chapel would mean more space for a much greater variety of not only food and household goods, but also arts and crafts. If it was possible to develop an arts and crafts ‘hub’ for the village this might include exhibitions of local work and work for sale but could also potentially become a place for creative workshops, with a range of creative activities for both children and adults. Culture has real value in creating meaningful connections within a community as well as to the wider world, fostering positive social connections as well as having an impact on people’s sense of wellbeing."
Another artist, Jeannine Rundle writes:
Supporting a local shop and chapel transformation.
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